Ask Mark Ward

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Take 100% Responsibility.

One of the most challenging lessons in adulting from my perspective is learning to accept, embrace and utilize your personal power. In many respects, I believe that many of us have fallen into the temptation of subscribing to this idea that we are victims of circumstances, rather than masters of our destiny. This is not to suggest that we can always control what happens to us or that we are deserving of the trials and tribulations that may emerge; it simply means that we are given the choice to decide how we wish to respond to those challenges when they arise.

Are you taking 100% responsibility for your life?  It is often more comfortable to exert our time, energy and attention on the injustice of a circumstance, how we are undeserving, how it is unfair, how it is deeply painful, etc. All of those things may be very true and (when that is true) we can all agree on how it is incredibly unfortunate. Focusing on the injustice does nothing to move your life forward, however.  Rather than engaging the voice of your wounded ego in your head, consider how you will use this challenge to be even more effective in creating the life that you desire.

How do you feel that you have been victimized? How have you been the victim of an unjust world? Without denying or defending the validity of the emotional impact of the challenge, how will you utilize it to your benefit?

Success or sabotage?  Ultimately, it is rarely about what happens to you; it is about how you respond to it.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Rather than waiting to see what the day is going to provide, decide what you want from the day and take the steps necessary to bring it to fruition.