Ask Mark Ward

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Connect to Spirit.

What is your "spiritual nature?" To be aligned with your spiritual nature is to be in touch with who you really are.  Now, this may not mean that you need to go on a vision quest, dance with the wolves or fast, but it does mean that you will need to allocate time to connect with your spirit.

Do you have time SCHEDULED in your daily planner for your spirit?  If not, why not? Don't you think that you're worth it?  If you don't give to yourself, what will you have to give to others?

If you don't know where to begin, simply sit in silence.  Surround yourself with quiet and listen to your inner dialog. Don't try to rid yourself of your thoughts or empty your mind; simply observe your thoughts without trying to control them.

Today, I challenge you to sit ALONE in silence for 15 uninterrupted minutes.  At the conclusion of this period, take 2 minutes to write down your thoughts. What messages or questions did you receive?

If you find yourself resisting this request, ask yourself, "why?"  Do you feel that it will be a waste of time? Why not give it a try? Of what are you afraid?

Success or sabotage?  How can you define "success" if you never step away from the noise to be clear?

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Make time for your spirit FIRST and allow the rest to fall into place.