Ask Mark Ward

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Be the Exception.

You will never exceed your own vision of potential and possibility. The thoughts that you think and the words that you speak will dictate whether you will ultimately become the "exception" or the "rule." You may choose to invest in a tribal philosophy that says that your possibility is limited and that success is confined to specific paths. or you can choose to believe that success is simply part of your destiny. The great achievers of the world have one thing in common: they never rely on the "good opinion" of other people. They live as the exception to the rule, realizing that one can create his/her own destiny if they have the vision, will, discipline and fortitude. 

Who do you want to be? Is your answer influenced by the "realities" of the masses or are you following the message of your heart? Do you live fearlessly or as a prisoner of your own mind?

Success or sabotage? Only you can define "success" and only you can achieve it.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  What do you THINK?