Invite more Joy.
An old customer service trick that is used in the training of those who staff telephone hotlines is to smile when answering the phone (regardless of their personal demeanor at the time). It has been proven that if you smile long enough, your emotional climate will catch up and you will become happier.
There are days in our lives when we doubt the possibility of joy in our lives. We may believe that the joy will come once <insert to-do list here> all is completed. Do you really want to wait? Is it really your intention to withhold joy from your life until you have reached a certain pinnacle? Is your happiness dependent upon circumstances or is it a state of being? If you truly want to be happy, for what are you waiting?
You are more likely to experience joy in your life if you make it one of your aims. Are joy and happiness on your list of daily goals? This should not be a secondary goal. When you feel happy and joyful, it feeds your productivity and sharpens your focus. What will you do to inspire greater joy in your life today?
Success or sabotage? The best way to achieve success is to "be successful." Act it out and watch reality catch up!
Is this going to be an incredible day? It is COMPLETELY up to you.