Ask Mark Ward

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Embrace your Shadow.

Each of us is challenged by a "shadow side"--a side of ourselves that we do not easily (if at all) accept. It is often a part of our personality that we (or others) have rejected as unacceptable. It may be a character trait that in specific instances has been perceived as negative or ineffective. Rather than trying to rid ourselves of a component of our personality, it is useful to examine its contributions to our gifts. How does "it" serve as part of the "team"? Is it really the trait that is negative or is it the way that it is utilized?

An important step in stepping into your power and your highest vision for yourself is to embrace all that is you.  What is the gift in this shadow that you are tempted to repress or eliminate? How does it serve you? How does it aid you in better service to the world?

Success or sabotage? Success begins at home; if you are not able to accept all that you are, how can you expect others to do so?

Is this an incredible day? Each day is transformed when you realize that the answer is always within and never outside of yourself.