Demonstrate your Message.
Your life lived is a definition of who you are. Actions do indeed speak louder than words. If others were asked to summarize the message of your life to date, what would it be? Are your actions aligned with your vision of you? If not, why not?
The beauty of each new day is that you are given a blank page. You may create in any way you see fit. Once the day is over, you may choose to discard your "creation" or use it as inspiration to create an even greater work for the future. Sometimes, it is overwhelming to think in terms of a vision for your life (that is a large order to fill!). Why not think in terms of today? What is your message for today? How will you demonstrate your message in your thoughts, words, and actions clearly for yourself and for others?
Success or sabotage? Is your life to date a story of success or sabotage? What do you want today's chapter to be?
Is this going to be an incredible day? The most incredible part of the day is your opportunity to make it whatever you want it to be; be clear about the choices that you are making in these precious moments.
Reflect on the week that has just passed: what have you noticed about yourself? What feeds your success?