Ask Mark Ward

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Keep asking Questions.

The truth that you seek is in the questions that you ask rather than the answers you speak.  The questions never change, but your answers will vary according to your age, life experience, and circumstances.  When you find yourself fearful or unclear of the answers, keep asking the questions until you become clearer about your intentions.  Healthy curiosity will ultimately result in greater clarity and comfort.  Realize, also, that your life may itself be the answer to the question. Keep your eyes and heart open to allow your inner-wisdom to do its work in response to your desires.

Conflict, turmoil, and stress are most often the results of surrendering your desires for the routine of a world far-removed from answers to unspoken questions.  If you don't know the questions to ask, it is because your mind is overworked in the business of living.  Find a moment today to be quiet, apart from daily distractions. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Don't try to clear your mind as so many might suggest; this may only result in frustration. Simply relax and observe your thoughts as they pass without attempting to control them. Ask the question that is more pressing in your mind. If a question does not come to mind, simply ask, "what is it that I need to know?" Keep your eyes and ears open; do not look for an answer immediately. Simply know that one is coming (and it may be in the most unexpected of places--overheard conversations, television shows, the book that you are reading, etc).

Success or sabotage? You are answering the question every day. Are you clear about your answer?

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Try by answering "yes" and work your way back from there!