Ask Mark Ward

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Embrace your Imperfections.

It is not the circumstance, but your reaction to circumstances that "makes" or "breaks" your spirit.  There are many who believe that the challenges and imperfections in our personality are the very reasons for our being.  The unique combinations of personality traits that make us who we are are emerging to be healed.  It is the healing of these "perfect imperfections" (some would say) that is the purpose of our existence.

Do you live your life as if everything is happening in perfect order?  Or, do you live as if you are an unwilling contestant on a global, never-ending version of "The Hunger Games"?  You may either live with a conscious choice and intention for your life or as one that makes it up as you go along, reacting to whatever arises in your path.  Consider the long-term cost of living in "reactionary mode."  How much energy do you give away in fearful speculation of things to come? How much joy have you lost by investing in negativity, anger, jealousy, dislike or disdain?

What disturbs you? What is it that permeates your skin and makes your heart beat at an uncomfortable pace?  Are you investing in negative assumptions?  What can you do right now to release that which disturbs you?  What can you do to feed, rather than withdrawal from the energy in your soul?

Success or sabotage?  Success is nothing more than a choice--moment by moment and minute by minute.

Is this going to be an incredible day? What is your intention for today? Be conscious of your choice and set yourself up to succeed.