Ask Mark Ward

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Perform some Kindness.

It is my belief that we could effectively shift the world to spin more positively on its axis if we would all agree to take one day where we all give unselfishly to another.  Imagine.  What if everyone on the planet made it their mission to perform one random act of kindness for another today?  Idealistic? Perhaps, but definitely within our grasp.

How do you think your life would change if you made it your mission to participate in this type of action on a monthly, weekly or even daily basis?  Are you willing to find out?

Today, I have a challenge for you.  Perform a random act of kindness today for a stranger.  Take a moment to add a little sparkle or love to the life of someone that you don't know. Do you have the courage to do it or do you opt out by virtue of your discomfort and fear?  Step out of your comfort zone. Don't allow inconvenience, schedule or resistance to hold you back.  Change your thinking; change your actions. Change your life.

A few years ago, my friend Juliet and I (along with three others) took $200 in singles and secretly threw them off the upper level of Water Tower Place in Chicago.  It was a Sunday afternoon and the feeding frenzy that followed was magical.  Spiraling single bills were cascading poetically down the open spaces between each floor. We escaped into the crowd and away from the overzealous mall security and watched the circus unfold.  People were alive with wonder and desire (many still looking up as if the heavens might open again and shower them with unexpected gifts).  We created a memory in the minds of several hundred people on April Fool's Day.  One can only speculate about what we brought to a random crowd of shoppers.  Excitement, mystery, conversation, connection and for some financial prosperity that might have been an answer to prayer.  Who knows? It is a day that I will never forget.

Success or sabotage? Feed your own success by contributing to the possibility for another; as you give, so shall you receive.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Make the day incredible