Ask Mark Ward

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Rule your Mind.

Since the mind is the seat of perception, it logical to conclude that the way that we think is the root of our experience and the core of creation for what we will become. For many, this is a liberating concept; for others, it is a debilitating revelation, requiring us to assume more responsibility for the condition of our lives than we can comfortably accept. 

Thoughts happen. We do not always initiate thoughts. Sometimes, they are simply responses, considerations, and conclusions based on what we have learned and believe to be true.  It is a collection of observations and assumptions, many of which can be obstacles to achieving the life that we truly desire.

If we truly wish to free ourselves from the limitations of an ineffective story that we carry, we must (first) realize that we are not our thoughts.  The fact that we think it (whatever the "it" may be) does not make it true. We are NOT our minds.  When we begin to accept that our minds/thoughts are tools (rather than the core of our identity), we are able to consciously utilize those tools effectively to create the life that we desire.

As another year comes to a close, consider how your thoughts have been reflected in your life.  Are you perpetuating stories of lack, limitation, and impossibility? How have these narratives been reflected in your daily life?  How will you consciously focus your mind on positive, productive, and affirming thoughts?

Success or sabotage?  Thoughts are things that must be managed if you wish for them to serve you.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Think of all of the challenges and obstacles that you have overcome in the past year.  Remember who you are. The fact that you have effectively overcome so many challenges is simply a reminder that you have all that it takes to conquer the challenges that still await you.

You've got this.