Ask Mark Ward

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Manager your Energy.

You are not only the best manager of your time, energy and are the only manager of your time, energy, and attention. You either manage it or surrender your power to other people, who may not have your best interests at heart.

One of the gifts of getting older, at least for me, is that I no longer suffer fools. I strongly subscribe to the "when someone shows you who they are, believe them" idiom. I don't need to have the experience of your brand of crazy three times--this is life, not doesn't take three to get a strike in my game. You show me who you are with your words, actions and behavior and I will see you for how you show up with me. If it doesn't fit within the life that I am creating, if our energy doesn't vibe, then, I will invest or disengage accordingly. Ultimately, It is not about who you are or are not. It is about my responsibility to myself and to the world for what I am creating. It's not about you, boo. So, when that asshole, cleverly disguised as a child of God shows up in my life, I know what to do. DISENGAGE. We don't need to have a conversation about it.

It's not my job to decide who you need to be or how you need to behave on this planet. I am not here to teach you how you NEED to behave--I mean, really? Let he that is without sin cast the first stone, right? It is not that I am BETTER or more evolved then you (which may or may not be the case). it is simply that, for whatever reason, we do not mesh. Life is short. Time is precious. It is important that we all find our tribe. We don't all have the same brand of crazy, nor do we need to. The important thing is that you do you to the best of your ability and what you are here to do on this planet. Do not cast your pearls before swine.

Success or sabotage? Are your ineffective investments impeding your success?

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Invest where you will receive a return and appreciate the rich gifts of the day.