Ask Mark Ward

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Examine your Filters.

We see life through a filter.  The filter is invisible in nature, like a glass lens.  It is made up of our values, beliefs, and life experiences.  The focus of the lens is how we see the world.  Most of the time we are not conscious of these filters, so we define what we see as "reality" (and often wonder what is wrong with those "other people" who don't seem to be walking on the same planet).

I was raised by a military man. I was brought up to value time in a way that dictated that "on-time" means that you are not walking in the door at the time of a scheduled appointment, but are ready and waiting for the task at hand.  One might suggest that this is a positive value, but one must be careful not to live as if this is the definitive value of "timeliness."  For many, walking in the door at the moment that a meeting is scheduled is fine.  I have a filter around what it means to be "on-time."

Take a moment to consider filters (values) that you may have that might influence the way that you interact and react to others.  Do these filters serve you or do they inhibit your success?

Walk through the day with fresh eyes.  Notice how challenging it is to quiet the editorial commentary and assumptions that litter your mind.

Success or sabotage?  Success requires a level of consciousness that is nothing short of work. Are you willing to do what it takes to achieve true success?

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Through what lens are you viewing the day?