Ask Mark Ward

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Walk in Truth.

You may either choose to follow the followers or lead.  There are defining moments in your life when it is imperative to your soul that you stand up for your truth even at the risk of adversity. It may not result in popularity or immediate comfort, but it is instrumental in making you more of "who you are." 

How are you resisting your own truth? In what circumstances or situations have you been living outside of your integrity?  What is the cost of NOT being true to yourself? Rather than spending time on regret (wasted energy!), focus on how you can think, speak and walk in your full truth, beginning today.

Go within or go without. Who do you want to be? Who is your soul telling you that you already are?  Don't deny the music that is within!  You cannot afford to wait to dance.

Success or sabotage?  Are you denying your success by choosing the illusion of immediate comfort?

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Step to the music that you hear and allow OTHERS to follow you!