Ask Mark Ward

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Focus on Desire.

Our Thoughts are prayers and we are ALWAYS praying.

What do you like best about your life?

Your life experience has come to an end. You find yourself at the "pearly gates" and St. Peter has a question for you. What did you like best about your life?

You are blessed to still be amongst the living. We often get so caught up in the complexities of existing that we forget to live. What you think about is what grows; the focus of your thoughts dictates the results.  The key to effective living is NOT the answers that you seek, but rather the questions that you ask. The answers change; the questions do not. You can only get more of what you want if you are conscious of what you want.

What do you like best about your life? What is it that makes you feel alive? What is it that makes your heart beat faster? What brings you joy?  If you don't know the answer, perhaps it is a good time to find out. If you did know, what might the answer be?

Success or sabotage? Success begins with an intention, a desire to create. You are a creative being. What do you wish to create today?

Is this going to be an incredible day? What do you like best about today?