Ask Mark Ward

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Embrace the Unexpected.

If we had our way, life would go along smoothly AS WE PLANNED, with no ripples, challenges or negative consequences. We would live peacefully contained in our reality absent of outside interference. We would all be "the boy or the girl in the bubble."  We would all live happily ever after...NOT.

The unexpected results of our actions, the challenge of the unknown and the resulting dramas are the ingredients of true living.  Experiences (both good and bad) provide us with the opportunity to choose who we want to be as we continue to move forward. It is only the experience of what we don't want that we are able to begin to define that which we would like to create.  If we can simply use our own life history as our guide, we will realize that all experiences may produce positive results.

What was your last "horrifying" experience? As you look back on it, how do you feel? What are the life lessons that you carry with you as a result of your experience? How has this life experience served you? How will it serve you in the future?

Success or sabotage? Experience is the road to success if you will simply allow it to guide you along the way.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  What kind of experience would you like to create today?