Ask Mark Ward

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Envision your Success.

Your life is a declaration of who you are--it is the result (effect) of your choices (cause). If you choose to live a life of limited potential and possibility, that is exactly what you will create for yourself.  Do you find yourself trying to validate your reasons for living below your potential? Your reasons only serve you by keeping you enslaved by fear. The "why's" are really not important.  The question is, how is it serving you to live small?

Think of your life story as three chapters:

I.  The Man/Woman I Was

II.  The Man/Woman I AM

III. The Man/Woman I WILL BE

Write the plot summary for each of the three chapters. How do they read? How will you create the transition between Chapters II and III?

Success or sabotage?  You must envision success as a possibility for yourself before it can become a probability.

Is this going to be an incredible day? How will you engage the UNLIMITED potential of today?