Ask Mark Ward

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Surrender your Fear.

Security is defined as "freedom from fear."  So often, we think of fear as the enemy, an adversary from which we should attempt to escape. The truth is that fear is simply a friend with limited information. It reacts in an attempt to warn us of possible danger or concerns based on past experience. It is fear that keeps us from resting our hands on a hot burner. Rather than allowing ourselves to invest in fear when we feel insecure or uncertain, we might consider the opportunity as it presents itself. Is the fear based on evidence or assumptions? Am I managing the fear or am I allowing the fear to manage me? 

What frightens you? What is it in your daily life that really puts a pit in your stomach? Today, I invite your to visit this fear and ask yourself about its foundation. What is the cost of investing in this fear? How is it serving me to be afraid? If I had no fear, what would I do differently? How would I benefit from surrendering this fear and moving forward?

Success or sabotage? Success often requires you to shine the light in dark places; remember, light and dark cannot co-exist simultaneously.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  What are the opportunities that this day presents for you?