Ask Mark Ward

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Know your Strategy.

We are the masters of free will and creation. Our consciousness creates our experience. Therefore, we are the architects of our own reality.

Do you find yourself resisting this concept of truth? Do you wish to apply conditions to the truth to make it more manageable? We are seduced by the plight of victimization. The victim is often rewarded with empathy, sympathy, connection and, most of all, a "pardon" from responsibility. When we are feeling down and out, we might have greater access to love (as we define it). If this (all of "this," whatever that may be) is because of someone or something else; we are simply recipients of the effect. Admittedly, this philosophy has great appeal. It allows one to sit on the sidelines, bemoaning their misfortune with all that will listen. We can become artists on the canvas of complaints and "whine virtuosos," free from the tie that binds (which is the burden of effective action).

It is not the conditions in which you live. It is your response to those conditions that defines your reality. If you are diagnosed with a terminal illness and have declared yourself to be dying, then that is your chosen reality. If you are declaring that you shall live a life filled with joy and meaning, conquering the implications of such a diagnosis, that is something else.

What is your greatest misery? How are you contributing to its existence or the perpetuation of its presence? Remove the judgment. It is unimportant. Remain focused on an effective strategy to move you forward.

Success or sabotage?  Success is subjective. What is it for you?

Is this going to be an incredible day? The greatest reward is your ability to choose.