Contribute to Good.
So much noise. So much talk about things of little relevance to the things that truly matter in the world. We anesthetize ourselves and bury our selves in the trivialities of a celebrity culture to escape our feelings of hopelessness over a world that may seem to be whirling out of control. It's not that we do not care. It may be that we care too much. We want to help. We want our lives to be of value. It is our true nature. We are often plagued by the illusions of perfection. Our desire is to make a difference. In the absence of believing that we can, we wait. We wait for the opportunity that seems to be "right." As we wait, our lives pass us by and we sabotage our joy. There is nothing that will elicit more joy than contributing to the good of the world and those around us.
Today, take the time to be silent. Go deep. Ask your self: what truly matters? How will you contribute to creating the kind of world that is in your dreams?
Success or sabotage? To define success, one must examine the core of his/her being. What does "success" really mean to you?
Is this going to be an incredible day? The day is already incredible. The question is, are you going to contribute to it?