Ask Mark Ward

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Believe you'll Succeed.

Doubt is often a convenient mechanism of fear. If we remain inactive due to fear of uncertain outcomes, we are simply sabotaging our personal success and cheating the world out of our potential contributions.  If one is going to invest in assumptions, why not invest in the positive ones? Instead of concluding that you will fail, why not believe that you will succeed? Even if the evidence might indicate that the propensity for failure is high, why not decide that you will be the exception to the rule?

Nothing exists that is outside of choice. If you decide not to make a choice, you are in fact making a choice (not to choose!). Why not make a conscious choice rather than allowing your life to be ruled by your unconscious inaction?  What are you willing to commit to, IN THIS MOMENT, to move closer to the completion of your objectives?  There is power in choice. The choice that you make today may infuse your life with greater success than you can possibly imagine.

Success or sabotage? Every thought, word and action contributes to one or the other. There is no middle road. Which road are you taking today?

Is this going to be an incredible day? Are you willing to commit to make it so?