Ask Mark Ward

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Examine your Story.

The way that you see yourself (the story that you are living) defines the way that you walk, talk and interact with the world. If you have goals of success, joy and abundance, but carry a story that says that you are a failure (incapable of happiness and success), then you will fulfill your own prophesy. 

If you wish to grow beyond historical limitations and exceed your own expectations, you must first examine your story. If your life were to be summarized as a novel, how would you characterize each chapter to date? What is the profile of your character? What is the evidence in your story that supports your summary?

Many think that their characterization of self is based on the evidence that supports it. The opposite is actually true. If you believe that you are only capable of a limited amount of success (however you have defined it), you will never exceed your own expectation. If you want to step outside of your norm, you must rewrite your story. How would you like for the chapters to read going forward? How would the evidence support your new plot line?

Success or sabotage?  Do you see yourself as successful? If not, what would it take to see yourself in a new way?

Is this going to be an incredible day?  How do you see yourself in relation to this day?