Ask Mark Ward

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Express your Truth.

Who are you when no one is watching? What are the three adjectives that would best describe your character? How would others describe your character? What are the significant actions in your life that are illustrations of your character?

When you are living without fear, and are expressing the truth of your being without judgment or hesitation, you are truly aligned with your character. It is only in these moments when you are fully tapped into your personal power. It is that power (effectively focused) that will make you a magnet for success. You will literally draw into your existence all that you truly desire.

Success or sabotage? If you wish to achieve total success, it is important to remember that your character is a LARGE part of the equation. Who are you? Who do you want to be?

Is this going to be an incredible day? If you live in integrity (get out of your way), you will open your self up to the possibility of miracles