Ask Mark Ward

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Surrender to NOW.

Consider this a shout out to all of those who consider themselves intellectuals. You cannot think your way to greater joy and fulfillment. Once you begin to define your self with your mind, you are preoccupied with the past and the future. As a result, you are cheating your self out of the only moment that truly matters--the N-O-W!

"But, what about all of the 'as you think, so shall ye be' philosophy?" you ask. Well, your thoughts do in fact produce in kind. It is not the thought that create the joy, however. It is the thought that creates the ACCESS. In order to truly experience joy, one must learn to surrender the temptations of the mind and give into the moment in which you are now residing. What does it mean to be here at this moment?

Who are you today? How will you access greater joy RIGHT NOW?

Success or sabotage? Success only applies to the moment that you are in. Rather than fixating on resolutions for the future, allow your self to create today. The future will take care of itself.

Is this going to be an incredible day? That IS the question, isn't it? What is your answer?