Ask Mark Ward

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Engage the Fantasy.

The truth that shakes you at the very core is the one that opens you to the greatest possibilities. Are you living your highest potential? When I ask that question, I am not referring to capabilities as in "skills." I am referring to your highest potential joy. Does your heart beat with thrilling anticipation as you face each new day?

If your reflex response is one of comfortable cynicism, ask your self why you believe that such a life is impossible. Is it that you believe that it is not possible or simply not possible FOR YOU? AHHHHHHHH, now we may be on to something.

Today, I invite you to return to a child-like state. Take the time to engage in some outrageous, joyful fantasy. If you were living without limitation and not restrained by current realities, what would your life be like? Rather than just envisioning it, FEEL it. Allow your passion to bubble up to the surface. What does it feel like? How does this experience shape your day?

Success or sabotage? If you cannot envision success for your self, you will never have it.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Each day is loaded with unlimited potential. What will you make of it?