Ask Mark Ward

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Honor it All.

Today, I carry a sadness for what might have been. I look at the person that I was and my heart breaks for all that I did not know or utilize. I realize that erosion (the clearing to make room for new growth) is necessary. It does not mean that it is particularly enjoyable. Yet, the wisdom that I have gained through the pain and sadness enables me to open up to new possibilities with a greater understanding of who I am. It is no longer a distant wish, but a consistent unfolding. I am in the midst of a powerful evolution.

I invite you to honor the person that you have been through the years. It may be difficult for you to revisit, but it is important to remember that you owe "this person" for who you are today. All of the pieces--the flaws, the indignities, the humiliations, the melancholy--make up the whole. The ingredients alone may taste bitter, but in combination they are exquisite!

Success or sabotage? All of you is necessary to succeed. Refrain from trying to eliminate part of your human-ness to get ahead.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Yesterday has passed. To what will you give birth today?