Ask Mark Ward

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Trust the Universe.

Thought, analysis, and detailed preparation are often the educated man's form of self-sabotage. If one is anchored to their version of how things ought or need to be, then the power of unlimited possibility has been compromised.

We see life through a lens of our experience, values and beliefs. No matter how brilliant or wise we have become, our view is tainted with the prejudice of our reality. True joy arises in the moment when we are willing to surrender all that we know for that which we can be, trusting that the universe will provide what we need to lift us up to fulfill our calling.

I invite you to let go. Break free of the limitations that you have cast upon your self. Stop needing to know and engage the curiosity of a child. Look for the lessons that the world has to offer you today. Let go of what the day "should be" and allow it to unfold in its own beauty.

Success or sabotage?  Success is a lesson in the power of letting go.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  You tell me.