Ask Mark Ward

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Declare your Desire.

The illusion of perfectionism is often one of fear's greatest strongholds. So often we wait for the "perfect" time and circumstances to act, so that we are assured of the success that we desire.  We remain secure (comfortable or uncomfortable) in our inaction, fooling our selves into believing that we are simply being diligent in our approach. Our analysis is justified and it is simply our intelligence and intuition that is urging us to remain still. 

It is important to remember that intuition works from the eye of the storm--from a place of complete peace, wisdom and objectivity. If your intuition is indeed providing you with guidance, there is a sense of knowing and unemotional clarity. It is not clouded by feelings of doubt, insecurity or fear.

Today, I invite you to consider the choice that you have been avoiding. What is your heart's desire that you are hesitant to declare? What is it that you WOULD DO if you were brave or did not feel limited by your present circumstances? What decision would free you from the box from which you seem to be operating?

Success or sabotage? Success begins with the courage to make radical decisions. Do not be presumptuous enough to assume that you need to know how it is going to happen. Your job is to determine what you want; allow the universe to respond in kind by giving you guidance to the rest.

Is this going to be an incredible day? If you accept the invitation to step out of your comfort and into your power, every day will exceed your wildest expectations.