Ask Mark Ward

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Engage the Frivolity.

Only those who are able to let go of the need to be right will be able to experience the gifts of creativity. As we grow into adulthood, we have the tendency to lose the wonder of a child that encourages us to have fun for the sake of itself. It is in this "reckless abandon" that we remember the real joys of life, absent of the judgments that we place on every action.

Today, I invite you to be as a child. Get dirty. Finger paint, make a mud pie, wrestle, play something that engages the frivolity within. Allow the joy that is already yours to infuse and encompass the totality of your being. Be silly for the sake of it. Remember what it is to be the personification of joy absent of rules and regulations.

Success or sabotage? If your path to success is absent of joy, is it truly worth it?

Is it going to be an incredible day? Do you have the courage to make it so?