Ask Mark Ward

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See yourself Succeeding.

There is something inside of you that is yearning to be awakened. It is waiting for you to evoke the power that is within you and put it to the test. How can you really know your capabilities if you never stretch them beyond your usual level of comfort?

The discomfort of growth is the result of speculation. Rather than seeing our selves as victors in a universe that conspires to see us succeed, we have a tendency to see failure, humiliation and defeat. Make no mistake, investing in negative assumptions simply empowers fear and insecurity and enables us to continue playing small.

The world needs you. Say "yes" to the possibilities that lie within you. Say "yes" to a world that is hungry for your service. Say "yes" to your higher purpose. Your inner wisdom will be awakened once you open your self up to its message.

Success or sabotage? You must define success for your self in a way that aligns all of your being with what you do; otherwise, you are limiting your own possibility.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Share your self with the world around you and watch your potential explode.