Ask Mark Ward

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Set yourself Up.

There is a fine line between balance, responsibility, procrastination and Type 'A' behavior.  For me, the power is a matter of consciousness. If you are conscious about the choices that you are making, then you will be empowered to complete the tasks at hand without creating unnecessary drama and stress.

Consider the possibility that this is your last day on the planet (now, that's a morbid way to begin the day, isn't it?). Who do you want to be on this day? What is it that you wish to complete so that you will feel that the day has been fully utilized? Rather than setting yourself up for sabotage by attempting to conquer too much, be strategic. What are the three or four most important things on your "to do list" for today? Now, from the list of four, select the one for which you experience the most resistance. If you complete that task first, it will energize you for the completion of the other three. If you find that you have completed all four of your tasks earlier than expected, consider adding one or two more to increase your productivity and satisfaction for the day.

Set a time mid-day to evaluate your success. If you are falling behind, revisit your strategy. Rather than indulging self-criticism, determine whether you need to modify your list. Remember, this day will never come again. It is a gift.

Success or sabotage? The rewards of success are a natural result of conscious choice. Set yourself up to succeed rather than fail.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Do not put off your joy until tomorrow. Find the gift in all that you do.