Ask Mark Ward

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Take the Risk.

In order to fulfill an intention, it is important that we begin with integrity. We must be willing to commit wholeheartedly to the risk necessary in meeting our task. This begins with a declaration. There are those who "try" and those who "do." As long as we are in the "trying" stage, we are not doing. We are not exercising the faith necessary to believe that we will truly succeed with our intention. Jump into the excitement and uncertainty of the unknown and live large! Be willing to take the risk necessary to succeed. You have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING (and I mean, EVERYTHING) to gain.

Notice how often you have the inclination to use the word "try" today. Notice how often others use the word. Do you find yourself hesitant to commit to do-ing?

Success or sabotage?  Success is attained; it is not won.

Is this going to be an incredible day? You can either hope for an incredible day or you can create one. What are you choosing for today?