Ask Mark Ward

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Keep your Focus.

The nights may seem long and unforgiving, but the sun ALWAYS follows. You may be experiencing what many refer to as the "dark night of the soul." It may seem that you will never emerge from underneath the weight of your challenges and circumstances, but you will overcome. Hang on!

Begin by choosing happiness despite the appearance of lack and limitation. Keep your focus on the abundance of the universe--on all that you have created in your life. No matter how bad things may seem (or be), there are those that are in more dire circumstances. Reflect on your own life and how some of the most challenging circumstances have been gifts in disguise. Give to those who have less knowing that the abundance of the universe is unlimited. Remember that after the Crucifixion, there is a resurrection. You will rise again!

The hell may be very real, yet it is only a moment. Hold on, in faith, and stay focused on what you wish to create. It is always darkest before the dawn.

Success or sabotage? The road to success is a challenging journey; keep your focus on the destination and NOT on the road.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Roll away the rock and go forward!