Ask Mark Ward

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Consider the Possibilities.

Watch yourself! It is easy to find oneself grasping for the illusion of control.  It is human to desire a sense of certainty, a routine to which we may comfortably subscribe.  We do not often embrace change and many of us hate the element of surprise. Most of the joys of life arrive unexpectedly (certainly not on schedule). Do not allow rigidity and insecurity to cloud your vision of the power and possibility that surrounds you at every moment.

What is the gift of this day? Take a moment to consider the possibilities that await you today. How will you use this day to invite more joy into your life?  This day will never come again. Why allow yourself to become imprisoned in a routine if you are not clear how it is going to serve you in the long-term? There is a power in this moment that can propel you into the future that you desire if you simply remain conscious of how each moment serves you.  

Success or sabotage? How do you define success in this moment? What is it for you today? If you can get your arms around it, the future will unfold on its own.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Are you willing to seize the opportunities that make it so?