Ask Mark Ward

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Shake things Up.

We often move through our lives trying not to "disturb" anything--to keep things unruffled and smooth. Think about that for a moment. Do you really want to leave the earth with no evidence of your existence? It is time to shake things up a bit! This is NOT a dress rehearsal!

A desire to control is usually inspired by fear. If you can simply keep things "in order," you won't have to worry so much about unexpected outcomes or unscheduled dramas. That is NOT living! You are a unique being with unique talents. It is your responsibility to live up to your full potential and to bring your gifts into the light of day. What are you afraid of? What are the fears that paralyze you? Who would you be absent of those fears?

Are you willing to step into the discomfort of the unknown to live fully this week? If so, how will you begin?

Success or sabotage?  Success does not come with a road map; it is usually on the off-road journey that you make the most startling discoveries.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  How much are you willing to risk to make it so?