Ask Mark Ward

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Jump and Allow.

Talk is cheap and truth only has value in its application.  It is easy to drift through life allowing the challenges of daily circumstance to tempt us to remain unconscious. How often do we know that we need to do something different to experience a fulfilling life, yet we put it off for another day when we might feel more motivated? We might support our inaction through a claim of uncertainty, deluding ourselves into believing that the answer may somehow magically appear. It is only through action, however, that we find the answers that we seek. 

What is the cost of inaction? How has your comfort zone become a prison of your own design? Today, consider what you would do if you were fearless (free of judgment, criticism or repercussions). Take one step today to move from existence to living. Release the need to know whether it is the "right" step or the "right" action. Just jump and allow the net to appear. Declare yourself as fearlessly alive in an action that defines the course of your day. If you are going to fail, fail with everything that you have within you so that you may clearly see a course of effective action.

Success or sabotage? Success begins with a choice and the risk to take uncertain actions for the sake of gaining greater clarity.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Apply all that you know to make it so. The choice is yours to make.