Ask Mark Ward

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Choose to Live.

The perfection that you so desperately seek will never arrive. It is time to put the ego on notice and be willing to live (and fail, if need be) with gusto. A life half-lived is one tempered by judgment, self-criticism and denial until all opportunity has sought refuge in the past. Today is the only day that you may live with some sense of certainty. Yesterday is a memory and tomorrow is a dream. At this moment, right now, you may choose to live anew. This day will never come again.

As you stand on the brink of greatness, you are provided with the opportunity to live or exist. You may risk your reputation, life and fragile sense of security on an undying dream or you may be secure in your routine. The choice is yours and you are making it at every moment. What is your choice for today? Are you willing to step into the discomfort of the unknown or are you invested in the predictable? Remember...your thoughts, words and actions dictate your fate.

Success or sabotage?  Success is the adversary of fear--it requires risk, discomfort and discipline.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  How many waves are you willing to make to create a true ripple in the waves of your life?